

... from the Science Page




  • Internet Robotics Info - a comprehensive list of robotics links, arranged in categories.
  • Robots Connected to the Net - this is the Yahoo list of robots connected to the internet; interact with a robot today!
  • Robot Contests and Competitions - a listing of competitions held throughout the world.
  • World's Largest Robotics Sites - part of the Android worls which specializes in information about androids ... i.e. robots that look like humans. This list of robotics sites provides a gateway to sites which have extremely large and thorough lists of links to robotics resources.
  • Xavier - this robot will accept instructions over the Net and you can see your commands carried out live when it is online .... brought to you by the Learning Robot Lab of the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science.


  • Beyond Discovery - this fascinating site features a series of articles which describe the role played by basic science in recent technological and medical advances.
  • Bill Nye the Science Guy - shows children how science can be interesting and is all around us.
  • How Stuff Works - learn how science is involved in the devices we see and use in the world around us. It's science that makes things work!
  • How Things Work - learn how scientific principles are at work in the operation of practical devices in the real world.
  • Science in Our Daily Lives - a compilation of sites that describe how various items or processes are manufactured or operate.
  • Science Technology and Society - page on Wikipedia describing the belief that views science and technology being embedded in culture and societies.


  • Electronic School - an online magazine giving information about technological change in the classroom and the implementation of technology in schools.
  • Internation Society for Technology in Education - global advocacy group aiming to increase the influence of technology in education programs around the world.
  • Scienceman - check out the Scienceman for information on how to bring technology into your science classroom; also hardware and software reviews, and links of interest to science students and teachers.
  • Technology in Education - articles about how technology can make it easier to learn. - an online publishing center and forum for the K - 12 community to read, write and talk about educational technology.


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